More details about KAREX bitumen emulsions
Bitumen emulsions KAREX C65 B3 PU/RC and KAREX C60 B3 ZM are available. Collection is between 7:00 and 15:00.
Collection at other times is possible by prior arrangement. For information on prices, delivery and collection times, please contact us: (0-62) 7629875 or 603 859 777. Other orders are processed at the customer’s request. The price and method of delivery are agreed individually.
We have a wide range of bitumen emulsion tank trucks with a capacity of 8 to 25 Mg.
It is possible to deliver the emulsion directly to the construction site.
We offer price discounts for regular customers.
The high quality of our products is guaranteed by the implementation of the Factory Production Control system within the company. We also have a National Certificate of Factory Production Control confirming that our products meet the requirements of the PN-EN 13808 standard. Cationic Asphalt Emulsions also have a valid Hygienic Certificate issued by the National Institute of Hygiene.